
Mutual Freedom offers various levels of Sponsorship Pledges. Because we are a nonprofit, charitable organization, all Sponsor contributions are fully tax deductible.


Our Platinum Sponsorship Pledge is a quarterly donation of only $250.00 or more.

Our Gold Sponsorship Pledge is a quarterly donation of only $125.00 or more.

Our Silver Sponsorship Pledge is a quarterly donation of only $62.50.00 or more.

Our Bronze Sponsorship Pledge is a quarterly donation of only $31.25 or more.

Sponsors supporting our organization are placed in their selected category of our virtual mall.
Platinum Sponsors are prominently placed on the home page of our website.


Click here to learn how you can Sponsor Mutual Freedom and assist in bringing relief to someone in your local area.

How Much Does GOD Co$t?

A cautionary guide to the corruption of some churches...

~ by Kay Quinn